Weekly Notices, 23rd Febuary 2025
2nd Sunday before Lent
Rossendale Team Ministry: Making Jesus Known
Our vision is to follow Jesus by learning His ways and sharing His love
We seek to enjoy fellowship together as we worship God, grow in discipleship, develop in ministry and reach our community with the gospel.
We value welcome, worship and witness.
Please Continue to Check the Prayer and Worship section for the readings and sermon for each week. The 4 week rota schedule for worship leaders, readers, intercessors and sidespeople is live on the website. We also have produced a copy of the Morning Prayer Service and a copy of the service of Holy Communion. Please select the appropriate link for the service.
• Electoral Roll – Linked to these notices is the form to complete for inclusion in the Parish’s electoral roll. This year, the old roll is wiped clean, and everybody who wishes to be included in the electoral roll needs to fill in and submit a new form. Please return the forms to our electoral roll officer, Kerry Aitken, to the PCC secretary, Lorraine Ashworth or by email to the church email address ( no later than Saturday 12th April 2025.
This Sunday 2nd March, is the Last Sunday Before Lent. Our morning worship will be a service of Holy Comunion at the usual time of 11:00am. Rev Laura Brinicombe will be leading us in our worship. The service will be streamed live on Zoom..
• Next Sunday, 9th March, is the First Sunday of Lent. Our morning worship will be a service of Holy Comunion at the usual time of 11:00am. Rev Chich Hewitt will be leading us in our worship and Lorraine Ashworth will be preaching. The service will be streamed live on Zoom..
• The Duty Rota, covering the months of December through to April is now available. It will be emailed to those with email, copied for those with no email access and posted on the notice board in the Parish Room and the Vicar’s Vestry. If you are unavailable on any Sunday for which you have been allocated a duty, please arrange to swap with someone else for that date.
• The Well is a monthly prayer and worship group organised by Rev Derek Allen on the last Saturday of each month on Zoom. The next meeting is Saturday 22nd February at 7:00pm The Zoom Meeting Number is : 875 3406 1730, and the Password is 167677
• Please contact us via email - if you wish to join the services or if you wish to receive a recording of the service.
Although we’re broadcasting our services on Zoom, there are still other places to take part in worship, if you can’t make it to the Zoom service . Here are just some of the other options
• At 08:10am, the Sunday worship on BBC Radio 4. and at 9:00am, on The Church of England’s Facebook Page and live streaming on Facebook and YouTube as well as on the CofE’s website, both live and recorded.
• Please check out the Rossendale Team YouTube channel also where a different member of the clergy team leads a short act of worship with contributions from different church members from across the team
• If you are unable to join us in church or on Zoom on a Sunday morning, but would still like to join in some worship on a Sunday, St Anne’s hold a service at 6:30pm each week. This service is also streamed live on Zoom. The Zoom Meeting Number to join this is 810 2414 1313, and the Password is 362633. These numbers are used every week.
• Also, DON’T forget to follow the Facebook page set up by our Family & Community Worker, Claire. – Search for ARK – Anglican Rossendale Kids on Facebook. It’s GREAT !!!
• The Valley at Prayer
The Rossendale Mission Community Prayer Meeting met on February 3rd
The next meetings will be held as an all day prayer session at a different church each time. Watch out for further details.
• Our weekly service of Morning Office is back on the 25th February at 9.ooam. Please stay on afterwards for ....
• Café On The Hill which is back with delicious tea and coffee plus toasts and cakes from 9am to 11am. The ladies would love to see you.
• Little Angels are meeting on Wednesday at the slightly earlier time of 9:00 – 11:00am this week..
• The funeral of our dear friend and brother in Christ, Rex Trippier, will be held this Wednesday, 5th March, at 12 noon. The service in church will be followed by a burial in Rawtenstall cemetery. Please do keep Constance and their children, Natasha, Jason and Sally in your prayers at this most difficult time of personal grief.
• Ash Wednesday this year is on Wednesday 5th March. Rev Samuel Hameem will be leading us in a service of Holy Communion with Ashing at 7:30pm.
• There will be a Gentlemen’s Curry Evening on Thursday 6th March at the Indian Harvest at 7:00pm. Please let Mike know if you wish to join us.
• The Lent Course this year will be based upon the Anglican Church’s Five Marks of Mission.
- Rev Janet O’Neill will be leading groups at the Bacup end of the valley based upon the Anglican Church’s Five Marks of Mission on Monday evenings and Tuesday afternoons from 10th March.
- Rev Samuel Hameem will be leading groups at this end of the valley using the book “Holy Habits” by Andrew Roberts. The study group will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00-2:00pm at St Mary’s Church, Rawtenstall. The course will be starting on Tuesday 11th March, through to 15th April.
• The dates for our Messy Church gatherings for this year have now been set, so please do note them down in your diaries (or add them to your calendars on your phones!!) and get your friends, neighbours and families to do the same. – COME AND SEE what they’re about !!. They are :
Saturday 26th April
Saturday 14th June
Saturday 12th July
Saturday 11th October
Saturday 6th December
• Bible Study Notes : Payment for the notes are now due to Jane Sacks. Please do try to get these to her promptly. Thank you
• Community Lunch, will resume on Thursday, 6th MARCH. The organising team are trying to keep the cost at £7.00 per person. A list is in the Parish Room for those wishing to come along to confirm their attendance. If you haven’t been to a Community Lunch before, but wish to join in, please add your name to the list. Thank you.
• Ladies !! A date for your diaries. Renew will be on Monday 10th March at St Mary’s Rawtenstall. The event starts at 7:15pm for refreshments and proceedings will start at 7:45pm. Bishop Gill Duff will be speaking on the subject of “Don’t Look Back”. There is no entry fee for this event.
• Sponsored Walk !!! Debbie Haigh’s grandson, Alex, whom many of you will have seen in church or at Messy Church, is doing a walk up Pendle Hill on Saturday 13th April. Alex is hoping to raise funds for the repairs to the church roof. Debbie will have sponsorship forms in church. Please consider sponsoring him – or even taking a copy of the sponsorship form and getting your friends and neighbours to sponsor him, too. Thank you !
• AN URGENT APPEAL :The PCC is seeking a replacement for Heather, who has a demanding full-time job, to take over the vital role of Treasurer to the PCC. Please contact Mike or Lorraine if you would like to discuss this position.
• The Antioch Christian Bookshop at Kay St Baptist Church will be holding their Spring Coffee Morning on Saturday 22nd March from 10:00am to 12:30pm. They have lots of lovely Easter stock, including Easter eggs and cards.
Did you know? That the charity Open Doors has been publishing a list each year since 1955 of the 50 countries in the world, where it is most dangerous to be a Christian. What can we do about this? Well, the main thing we can do is pray and that is why we are going to start listing the countries week by week on the notices so that you can include such persecuted Christians in your prayers. We can also pray specifically @missionEnablers every Thursday. We will add a country to the notices prayer list every week until we have 10 on the list before deleting the first while adding the next – hopefully this process will become clear, as we go along. There will also be more information on the notice board at the back of church if you interested in seeing the list in its entirety. This year’s list of countries where Christians are persecuted was published on Wednesday 15th January.
- North Korea
- Somalia
- Yemen
- Lybia
- Sudan
- Eritrea
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Iran
Lord, I pray for those for whom sharing Your gospel may mean going to prison or being killed. Holy Spirit, strengthen and help them, just as Jesus promised, fill them with the joy and courage to keep telling people of Your love. In His name I pray. Amen
• Calling all Eco Warriors!
We have achieved the Bronze Award as an Eco church and are now looking for volunteers to share ideas and help develop our resources to express our care for God’s world in this place. There is still much to be done to achieve the Silver Award. There are five areas to work on:
Worship and teaching;
How we look after our building;
How we look after our land;
How we engage with the local community and the wider world;
Personal lifestyles
• Connect with God’s creation
Bulbs have now been planted in the lower graveyard, focusing on the areas around the Commonwealth War Graves..
Following the recent Eco Art Exhibition in church, a donation of £180 has been sent to the A Rocha organisation who co-ordinate the Eco Church movement.
• Flowers in church : Jean Ellison has asked me to remind everyone that there is a calendar-type of list on the notice board for members of the congregation to add their names if they would like to donate money for flowers in church on a given date in memory of someone or a special anniversary etc. Please see Jean for further information. God makes the flowers grow, but we do have to pay those who labour to get them to the flower shops !!
• Prayers for members of our extended church family:If you or any of your loved ones are in need of prayer, please do contact the church via the contact us page or email - We cannot list names on the website but we will pray for these people in church and at home.
- If you, or any of your loved ones, are in need of prayer, please do contact the church via email or phone.
• A message from Lorraine regarding Home Communion:"I have now restarted Home Communions. If you would like a visit, please let me know. Thank you." If you don’t have Lorraine’s contact details, but would like home communion, please use the contact us page, or email -
• Do you shop online? If so, there is a way to raise funds for church while youre doing so. The church is now registered with In logging in to this website and following their links through to such online stores as Amazon, Currys, Argos, Marks & Spencer or Dominos Pizzas and many more, you can help raise up to 2% or even more of your spend for our church. This does not affect such things as Amazon Prime membership or delivery benefits. For details, contact the church via the contact us page or email - The website address is
• A note to those members of the church, who make their donations in cash
We would be most grateful if you could :
- Use cash, rather than cheques.
- Use one envelope for each week.
- If this is not possible, please write clearly on any envelope with money for several weeks, which weeks the contents of the envelope cover.
We would also ask you to please consider switching to donating through standing order. If you wish to do so, here are the bank details :
- Account Name : St Mary & All Saints with St John's
- Sort Code : 09-01-53
- Account Number : 75875484
• Date of Next PCC Meetings to be held at 7.15pm in the parish room:
4th March
• Date of Next APCM
- APRIL 27th PLEASE can any reports for 2024 be submitted to Lorraine Ashworth at the earliest opportunity.
• Pastoral Care Matters : The pastoral team work hard to stay in regular touch with our house bound church members. However, if you know of anyone who would benefit from a telephone call or a home visit, especially if they are ill or recovering, could you please let Elaine know so that something can be organised. Thank you.
On a similar note Janice has asked that if any one knows of a member of our church family who is celebrating a milestone birthday to let her know so we can recognise the occasion appropriately.
- If you feel the need for support, please email us on, We will be able to pass your details to the appropriate people.
• If you have any Notices to be shared, please email them to by Thursday evening, so that they can be included on the Sunday Notices circular. If you wish to receive the notices electronically each week, please speak to Mike or email the above address.